14 December 2009

1st. nest base

After more than 3 weeks not going into the sanctuary, I went in yesterday and to my surprise there is already a nest base on the 3rd. floor and quite a number of bird shit spots on the 3rd floor and 2nd. Floor. 1 bird was on the the 2nd Floor when I went in at about 11.25 a.m. However, it flew out. It has been about 5 months since the sound was played in this sanctuary. Earlier on, it seems as if the birds are scared to come in due to the cave-like shape of the entrance and roving room which the birds are not familiar with. However with some modifications to the tweeters and opening of another entrance hole, it seems to be performing better now. At least the birds had started to make nest with one nest base observed on the 3rd . floor.

New entrance opening

1st, nest base on the 3rd. Floor

Bird shits

Bird shits

Bird shits

Bird shits

Bird shits

Bird shits

Bird shits