19 June 2009

Solidarity To A Fellow Blogger - Love Potion

I will be using Love Potion which I had bought from James and will be using it on a portion of the sanctuary. For me, if the aroma doesn't work, let it be as it is me and not him at fault for believing in the product. If the aroma doesn't work, there won't be any reorder from him and he could have closed shop. There could have been so many another reasons as well for the aroma not to perform. As for me, I always keep an open mind, act wisely, no sarcam, no bad-mouthing and have a good heart.

There is a group in Low Yat Forum who is trying to discredit him saying that his aroma is useless while they themselves had not tried them, only grapevine from fellow forumners. James had hit back in his blog titled 'Rots amongst the Sour Grapes'. As solidarty to my fellow blogger I produced the write-up in full for all to read. Your comments welcomed.

Rot Amongst the Sour Grapes

Does anyone know why the failed percentage of farm is so high? I guess not..


The reason is, the mentalities of those in this industry are the rots that make what swiftlet farming are today. Instead of contributing to the industry with ideas, information, etc they actually bad mouth others or trying to mislead others and trying to demobilize or prevent dissemination of good information and products that could help the Swiftlet farming industry. They work in groups systematically when one appeared the other follow. They hide behind forums bash and sabotage others. When you look at the "nick" you know there are the same groups of people. When you ask them for information or there is no bashing they disappeared or never reply. They plant the same tactic in all forums. That is the most lousy strategy to discredit others. I hope they are smart enough to understand this.


Forum is people's idea and they jump into it and comment. It is not their ideas. They have no idea at all merely just jump into it to comment. There are just like stray dogs, one of them is biting and barking the rest will follow . The aftermath when you ask them why did you do it? their answers are "I don't know. People do, I do, they asked me to follow I follow lah!" If they have ideas and wanted to share then they should have started a blog of their own. Many had started it, some, even the contents of their blogs are not much but they showed the spirit of sharing not having hidden agenda like those. I really respect all these bloggers, Salute all you bloggers!



These groups thought readers are stupid. They undermined the intelligence of readers. These are the same groups that had been repeating the same bashing and discredit again and again the bolggers.The same old strategy of discredit was used. Why over the years only the same groups? The same old story? There are definitely something hidden under the rocks. How come only these groups? Certainly very fishy here. Even a little boy can tells.



These are the people that happy to see you fails. Perhaps Bloggers are the people that exposed too much of the industry where many can no longer "cari makan" easily or their friends and mentors or Sifus goods are not moving as fast as before (rivalry).Therefore all these tactics were applied. That is why bloggers are being hated and being sabotaged. Well I guess all Swiftlet farming bloggers can't run away from all these because if it can happen to political bloggers (demoralise, threatening...etc) then what is Swiftlet farming Bloggers. "kacang putih lah" go to forum register and blast lah all will follow or ask someone to bashlah, Malaysia culture"



These people never happy to see other rise or own a successful farm because if you do they feel threaten. There are many like them, so how can we expect the Swiftlet farming industry to move forward? I can't blame the little napoleon in the authority finding ways to make it hard for them especially Sarawak. Look how it hits Sarawak why not other states? Is Sarawak farmers are easier to bully? No, it has been made what it is. Some claimed to be respectable person in the society but looking at their harsh uncalled for comments which touch on people personal life and religion, do you think it is appropriate? Some of them are not young there are at their golden age but the mentality is a problem. They could be my grand father. Grow up please. Soon you are nearing to god.



A good mentor or a respectable Sifu or someone wants to be respected by others must have the ability to provide information to others, willingly to teach, willing to see his disciples succeed and never bad mouth others. Whenever someone is better then them they felt threaten, this is just very much like the feudal time. I guess there are still in it. Therefore all ways were done to sabotage those who could help the Swiftlet farmers being information or products.



The good ones are those Swiftlet bloggers. They had contributed intensively to the industry by providing free information. Did all these rotten sour grapes ever thank them for providing info? Being good or bad information.

No, none of them will do that. There only believe in receiving and bashing others but not providing or giving.


When you ask them to contribute their ideas to the problem solving of the Licensing and unfair guidelines facing by all farmers. They were no where to be seen or heard in the forum. When time for uncalled bashing and condemns others they will be there 1st to appear. Perhaps they have been order to to this. From here you can see clearly they are not pioneer forumers which from year 2007. These groups join just months ago. They appear once a while to sabotage. Let it be. God knows who they are linked to.



Those days without the Swiflet farming blogs for information pertaining to Swiftlet farming one has to travel to neighbouring country. Even getting Nugroho books was a problem. Not the case now. Much information was exposed thanks to all these bloggers. Books and Cds were available on blogs.



After all had been said, all are very much link to business rivalry and sabotage. I guess that is human nature there are bad and good. Well to me my conscious is very clear. If we do good and God is with us, whatever and no matter what these rotten sour grapes group did which is evil shall not be succeed.



I had experienced this many times before. “The more they bashed the more I sell”.

Thank you God. Thank you God. Thank you God.



Hope one day their mentality would change for the good of themselves, the society and Swiftlet farming. I still have hope in them.



"God bless them"


I would prefer "God Blast Them" but I hope God would not do that because I have a good heart and don't pray for such disaster

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